Oktober 2021
Fashions of the Gilded Age, Volume 1 : Undergarments, Bodices, Skirts, Overskirts, Polonaises, and Day Dresses 1877-1882 (0963651757)
Contains 160 authentic sewing patterns and instructions for women's garments. Includes special rulers that enable drafting to custom siz...
Kleinsteuerungen in Praxis und Anwendung (3800732874)
Kleinsteuerungen, auch programmierbare Steuerrelais oder Logikmodule genannt, werden in immer mehr Anwendungsfeldern in Industrie und Handwe...
Drugs : Mind, Body, and Society (9780199949113)
Written in a contemporary and accessible voice, Drugs: Mind, Body, and Society offers more than knowledge and study skills. It is a multidis...
Perpetua's Journey : Faith, Gender, and Power in the Roman Empire (0190238712)
Examining issues of power, gender, and religion in the ancient world, Perpetua's Journey: Faith, Gender, and Power in the Roman Empire i...
The Gospel of Salvation (9781258934248)
This is a new release of the original 1935 edition. Product details ...
Divine Sex : A Compelling Vision for Christian Relationships in a Hypersexualized Age (9781587433696)
Christianity Today Book Award Winner The digital revolution has ushered in a series of sexual revolutions, all contributing to a perfect sto...
AP Statistics : Preparing for the Advanced Placement Examination (1567655815)
This complete review of the topics covered by the College Board's AP Statistics curriculum is designed to help students develop the skil...
Keyboard Strategies : Master Text I (Chapters I-Xi (9780793552917)
(Piano Method). Designed for use in a college class for 1 year. May be supplemented in the first semester with Solo Repertoire Book IA and E...
Cinco llaves del mundo secreto de Remedios Varo (9788494377068)
La obra pictorica de Remedios Varo (Anglés, Girona 1908 - Ciudad de México, 1963) transmite la presencia de una revelación precisa. ¿De qué ...
How to Find Love in a Bookshop : A Novel (0735223505)
"Absolutely delightful." -People The enchanting story of a bookshop, its grieving owner, a supportive literary community, and the ...
Essentials of Aviation Management: A Guide for Aviation Service Businesses (1465279377)
It is imperative that aviation businesses play an active role in ensuring a positive business climate for their home fields and for other ai...
She Believed She Could Make A Difference So She Became A Childcare Worker : Cute Address Book with Alphabetical Organizer, Names, Addresses, Birthday, Phone, Work, Email and Notes (9781672279154)
Awesome Address Book Product Details: Matte (Soft) Finish CoverAddress BookAlphabetical A-Z IndexName, Address, Telephone, Work, E-mail, Bi...
Introduction to Health Economics (9780335243563)
"There are several books on the market now that claim to take readers into the intricacies of health economics 'from first principl...
Report for the Academic Year (9781341559938)
This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This...
Internationales UN-Kaufrecht : Ein Studien- und Erlauterungsbuch zum UEbereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen uber Vertrage uber den internationalen Warenkauf (CISG) (9783161548550)
Fur die Neuauflage hat Ulrich Schroeter das Lehrbuch uberarbeitet, in verschiedenen Punkten erganzt und durchweg aktualisiert. Dabei wurde n...
Super Extra Deluxe Essential Handbook (9781338714128)
The brand new edition of the bestselling Super Deluxe Essential Handbook is here - and it includes all-new Pokemon! With 560 colour pages ...
My First Book of Christian Values (9781845502621)
Children want to know what to do. They want to know why they do the things we do. They are full of questions and they need answers. As well ...
Sapiens : A Brief History of Humankind (9780099590088)
**THE MULTI-MILLION COPY BESTSELLER** Discover the book that inspired Gareth Southgate's leadership style. 'Interesting and provocat...
Pariah (9780756413446)
Now in paperback, the third book in the Donovan series returns to the treacherous alien planet where corporate threats and dangerous creatur...
ニュースの日本語聴解50―中級後半‐上級レベル (4883195392)
実際に放送されているニュースと同じ形式の50のニュースを取り上げ、経済・金融、政治・行政、社会・生活の3つの章に分けて掲載。ニュースを理解するための実践的な聴解力を養成。 Product detail...
Pocket Medical Terminology (9780702079696)
This pocket book provides an additional resource for all health care professionals including nursing students, medical students, medical sec...
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Ritter Rost ist krank. Buch und CD : Musical für Kinder 10 (3551270562)
Der Ritter pfeift aus dem letzten Loch und fühlt sich so krank, dass er - begleitet von Burgfräulein Bö und Koks dem Drachen - das Ritter-Kr...