In-depth preparation for the AP Music Theory exam features: Two full-length practice tests (both aural and non-aural sections included)All questions answered and explainedHelpful strategies for test-taking successIn-depth review chapters covering music fundamentals, harmonic organization, harmonic progression, melodic composition and dictation, harmonic dictation, visual score analysis and much more An included MP3 CD provides aural skill development prompts for both practice tests aural sections, as well as material that complements exercises and examples in the subject review chapters.
Product details
- Mixed media product | 666 pages
- 213 x 276 x 35.56mm | 1,065.94g
- 14 Mar 2014
- Peterson's Guides,U.S.
- Barron's Educational Series Inc.,U.S.
- United States
- English
- Revised
- 2nd Revised edition
- Printed music items; Illustrations, black and white
- 1438073895
- 9781438073897
- 667,988
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