Download St. Benedict's Rule : An Inclusive Translation and Daily Commentary (9780814688182)

The Rule of St. Benedictforms the foundation for one of the oldest ongoing institutions in all of Western civilization. The Rule not only defines life for men and women in monasteries but has also become central to the spirituality of lay Christians across the globe.

This gender-neutral translation is true to the original text but provides an alternative for individuals and groups who prefer such a version over the masculine language of the original as it was written for St. Benedict's monks. It also offers some background into the context in which it was written, as well as reflections on its meaning for contemporary life, making it a resource for those encountering the Rule for the first time or those who have cherished it for years.

See also version with the Rule in inclusive translation only (no commentary) by Judith Sutera, OSB

Product details

  •  Paperback | 312 pages
  •  127 x 178 x 19mm | 227g
  •  07 May 2021
  •  Liturgical Press
  •  Collegeville, MN, United States
  •  English
  •  0814688187
  •  9780814688182
  •  11,221

Download St. Benedict's Rule : An Inclusive Translation and Daily Commentary (9780814688182).pdf, available at for free.


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