Patina : 300+ Coloration Effects for Jewelers & Metalsmiths (9781620331392)

An explosion of patination methods from beginner to advanced skill levels!

Patina offers a collection of over 300 metal patination recipes, application instructions, and full-sized samples for anyone working in metals, including jewelers, sculptors, and metal artisans.

This all-skill-level book covers steel, stainless steel, copper, brass, bronze, silver, and aluminum. Neatly organized by metal type then by color for ease of reference. Patina discusses variables that affect the overall metal coloration such as surface preparation, chemical formula, application method, and more. Cross-references take you to the variety of patination techniques offered, including immersion, brush application, spraying, fuming, layering, using resists, hot and cold applications, and more. All recipes feature step-by-step illustrated instructions. Patina also discusses safety issues and handling and disposing of hazardous or corrosive materials as well as proper ventilation. This book is an inspirational resource, a how-to guide, and a book that you have long been waiting for.

Product details

  • Hardback | 256 pages
  • 221 x 262 x 23mm | 1,177g
  • United States
  • English
  • 162033139X
  • 9781620331392
  • 53,799

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