Written by an enthusiast with many years' experience of working on classic British motorcycles but with little experience of working on these iconic machines this book covers the complete dismantling, refurbishment, and rebuilding of two Tridents: a 1973 Triumph T150V and a 1975 Triumph T160. This immensely helpful book covers all parts of the rebuild in great detail; parts that other manuals gloss over, leaving the restorer confused and frustrated. From the simplest of jobs, such as removing the fuel tank, through to detailed explanations of rebuilding the engine and carburettors, this manual is an absolute must for any enthusiast contemplating working on their Triumph or BSA triple. Over 650 colour photographs and detailed text descriptions clarify every stage ... engine, gearbox, clutch, electrics, frame, wheels, forks, swinging arm, brakes, instruments ... the whole bike! Highly readable and entertaining, the author readily admits to the various pitfalls and mistakes he makes in order for others to avoid them. Designed to sit alongside existing workshop manuals, this book is intended to help the owner complete a full restoration of their beloved triple. Essential garage literature!
Product details
- Paperback | 208 pages
- 207 x 250 x 20.32mm | 997.9g
- 01 May 2016
- Veloce Publishing Ltd
- Dorset, United Kingdom
- English
- 674
- 1845848829
- 9781845848828
- 386,504
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