Ks3: English is Easy Writing (The Basics) is the easiest way for your child to master the basics of writing. This child-friendly guide teaches children about how to write effective literature in a fun and easy to learn way. It is the ideal revision guide for anyone who wishes to improve their scores either for the classroom or for assessments. This unique Ks3 English guide and testing book contains plenty of sample questions to work through; guaranteed to improve your child's ability in English to a high standard and help them to achieve 100%.
Product details
- Paperback | 150 pages
- 170 x 245 x 2mm | 296g
- 20 Oct 2016
- How2become Ltd
- Kent, United Kingdom
- English
- 1911259024
- 9781911259022
- 810,883
Download KS3: English is Easy - Writing (the Basics). Complete Guidance for the New KS3 Curriculum (9781911259022).pdf, available at ebookdownloadfree.co for free.